Multiplication Worksheets PDF free
Multiplication math worksheets for children from 2nd to 7th grades to test different skills. Featuring tests are on the following topics: introduction to multiplication with picture aids, multiplication expressions, multiplication word problems, multiplying multiples of ten, applied multiplication exercises and more. Multiplication tests here have answer keys attached so that parents can easily homeschool their kids with it or teachers can easily crosscheck homework. These sheets are in PDF, format, meaning they can be printed out at any time and in any quantity.
Multipliation illustrated 2
Practice Multipliation illustrated 2 with this worksheet.
Multipliation sentence illustrated
Practice Multipliation sentence illustrated with this worksheet.
Multiplication facts
Practice Multiplication facts with this worksheet.
Multiplication of toys
Practice Multiplication of toys with this worksheet.
Multiplication with dots
Practice Multiplication with dots with this worksheet.
Multiplication with strokes
Practice Multiplication with strokes with this worksheet.
Multipliation illustrated
Practice Multipliation illustrated with this worksheet.
Multiplication by 1
Practice Multiplication by 1 with this worksheet.
Multiplication of 1 and 2 digit numbers
Practice Multiplication of 1 and 2 digit numbers with this worksheet.
Multiplication of 1 by 1 digit numbers
Practice Multiplication of 1 by 1 digit numbers with this worksheet.
Multiplication of 2 by 1 digit numbers
Practice Multiplication of 2 by 1 digit numbers with this worksheet.
Multiplication of numbers 2
Practice Multiplication of numbers 2 with this worksheet.
Multiplication of numbers
Practice Multiplication of numbers with this worksheet.
Multiplication of single digit numbers
Practice Multiplication of single digit numbers with this worksheet.
Multiplication sheet 1
Practice Multiplication sheet 1 with this worksheet.
Multiplication sheet 2
Practice Multiplication sheet 2 with this worksheet.
Basic multiplication
Practice Basic multiplication with this worksheet.
Multiplication circle drill
Practice Multiplication circle drill with this worksheet.
Multiplication matching exercise
Practice Multiplication matching exercise with this worksheet.
Multiplication table drill
Practice Multiplication table drill with this worksheet.
Multiply 2 by 2 digit numbers
Practice Multiply 2 by 2 digit numbers with this worksheet.
Multiply by multiples of ten
Practice Multiply by multiples of ten with this worksheet.
Multiplication by 1 digit numbers
Practice Multiplication by 1 digit numbers with this worksheet.
Multiplication by 2 digit numbers
Practice Multiplication by 2 digit numbers with this worksheet.
Multiplication match up
Practice Multiplication match up with this worksheet.
Multiplication of fractions
Practice Multiplication of fractions with this worksheet.
Multiplication table drill
Practice Multiplication table drill with this worksheet.
Multiplication with money values
Practice Multiplication with money values with this worksheet.
Multiplication by 1 digit numbers
Practice Multiplication by 1 digit numbers with this worksheet.
Multiplication by 2 digit numbers
Practice Multiplication by 2 digit numbers with this worksheet.
Multiplication match up
Practice Multiplication match up with this worksheet.
Multiplication of fractions
Practice Multiplication of fractions with this worksheet.
Multiplication table drill
Practice Multiplication table drill with this worksheet.
Multiplication with money values
Practice Multiplication with money values with this worksheet.
Learning your multiplication facts does not have to be hard. In fact, depending on how you look at it, this feat can be quite fun. Repetition does play a role, but knowing some cool tricks can be the difference between success and failure. So why struggle with multiplication when conquering this arithmetic operation can be yours easily? Here you get the key to mastering the most important table you will ever learn.
Mastering the fundamental multiplication table is the first building block to effective multiplication skills. This table gives the product of any two numbers between 1 and 9. Knowledge of this table is probably one of the most essential things you will ever learn in school, and something that you will use for your entire life.
Learning the table is actually quite easy if you have some insights into its composition and the nature of multiplication in general.
Okay let's get to work. There are eighty-one possible products in the table; and you only have to care about forty-five as the remaining thirty-six can be eliminated by the commutative property. The 1-times table is simple. 1 times any other number yields that number. This eliminates another nine products, and now we are down to thirty-six. The 2-times table is quite easy and never created much trouble for students. This is true of the 3-times table as well.
The 4-times table can be dealt handled with the 2-times table. For example, 4 x 8 can be thought of as 2 x 8 doubled. Since we already know 2 x 8 = 16, we need only add 16 + 16. Mastering the 4's eliminates six more products, and we are down to fifteen.
Let's look at the 5-times closely. For instance, learning 5 x 6 is easy because we know our 4-times table. Thus 5 x 6 is (4 x 6) + 6 which is 24 + 6 = 30. This is how we build the table in our mind. Once the neural circuits are hard-wired, we will never have trouble with this table again.
This eliminates another five products, and we are now left with ten. The 6-times table is learned as a doubling of our 3-times table. Thus 6 x 8 is double 3 x 8 which we know is 24. So 6 x 8 is 24 + 24 which is 48.
We are now coming to the home stretch. Having rid ourselves of the 6's, we are left with only six products: 7 x 7, 7 x 8, 7 x 9, 8 x 8, 8 x 9, and 9 x 9. How do we master our 7's? Yes, through our 6's. Thus 7 x 7 is (6 x 7) + 7, which is 42 + 7 = 49. How do we do our 8's? Double the 4’s. Thus 8 x 9 is double 4 x 9, or 36 + 36 = 72. Finally, we are left with 9 x 9, which is 81.
Now you see that learning your multiplication facts is not so daunting after all. What is more, you have been given another perspective on learning something mathematical. Although some mental energy was required to accomplish what we have done here, you can be assured that the effort will pay dividends for the rest of your life. Indeed, having mastered the multiplication table, you have taken the first step toward conquering mathematics.
Free Multiplication Worksheets PDF
Multiplication is a simple operation, but one that is quite indispensable to everyday life. Children will find that people use it to calculate for many things, like finding out how many cups or spoonfuls of an ingredient someone needs to bake five cakes. It is also frequently used in other math formulas, such as solving for compound interest, or answering many problems in algebra.
Multiplying numbers can come across as intimidating for younger learners, however. It’s helpful to approach the topic methodically to ease students into doing times problems – that can mean comparing the topic to skip counting, and starting with the multiples of one number at a time. Students will also need to develop a correct – and optimally quick – way of solving problems to help with quizzes. They can work on our free multiplication worksheets PDF to get the practice they need to improve their skill with this operation.
Beginners at multiplication can need some time to solve difficult items, as they’re still learning about the principle of multiplying. They might even double-check their answers by solving them through addition as well. Kids will need a lot of space in their worksheets to place their solutions – and our sheets contain enough blank space specifically for that need.
Using the multiplication table as a reference that kids can quickly access in the classroom or at home can help with their studies. Children that can internalize the table can solve problems more quickly, and even get to the level where they calculate times equations mentally.
Our collection of free multiplication worksheets PDF provides different test types for students to learn multiplying in all sorts of fun and challenging ways.
For children still new to the concept, we’ve prepared worksheets illustrating how multiplication works using toys, sports balls, and cute creatures. They’ll also be given simple practice problems using symbols to explain the process of multiplying further. They can learn to write times problems into word form as well.
Simple multiplication exercises with one or two digits are great for the earlier half of elementary school. Building familiarity with the products of number pairs goes a long way in helping students for when problems start to add in more factors or digits. Our multiplication exercises are quite varied; children might enjoy solving our table drills, match the multiplication problem to the correct product, or circle drills in addition to our classic format.
As your students develop their multiplication skills, they can step up the challenge with our worksheets on the multiples of ten, or on multiplying fractions. We also have practice activities for times problems involving amounts of money.
We hope you’ll find a lot of use from our collection of free multiplication worksheets PDF. You can print and download any sheet you want in preparation for quizzes, tests, group activities, homework or demonstrations. You might want to sign up to to access our extensive library of math learning resources, such as video tutorials on K-12 topics, educational games, and other practice sheets.