Count objects and represent numbers up to 20 quiz
Count objects and represent numbers up to 20 quiz

Counting circles in frames up to 10 quiz
Counting circles in frames up to 10 quiz
Counting circles…

Comparison math Quiz: Are there enough ?
Comparison math Quiz: Are there enough ?
Comparison math…

Comparing shapes in a mixed group math quiz
Comparing shapes in a mixed group math quiz
Comparing shapes…

Compare two numbers: Smaller - Smallest quiz
Compare two numbers: Smaller - Smallest quiz
Compare two…

Math Quiz On Comparisons: More - Fewer
Math Quiz On Comparisons: More - Fewer
Math Quiz On Comparisons:…

Comparing numbers: Larger and Largest – Math quiz
Comparing numbers: Larger and Largest – Math quiz

Classification Quiz: Identify Different Shapes
Classification Quiz: Identify Different Shapes

Classification: matching letters and numbers Math Quiz
Classification: matching letters and numbers Math Quiz

Classification: Identify Similar Shapes In A Group Math Quiz
Classification: Identify Similar Shapes In A Group Math Quiz